Post Category → Food
Millionaires Mississippi Mud Pies
I am delighted to be collaborating with Tate & Lyle Sugars drawing inspiration from their Tate & Lyle range of brown and golden sugars to create some original recipes and ideas. Continue reading
Rhubarb & Custard Jaffa Cakes
My Rhubarb and Custard Jaffa Cakes were created for Hambleton Bakery after breaking the Guinness World Continue reading
Snowboarders Cake
My Snowboarders Cake was made especially for Zoe Gilling, Great Britains Number one Snowboarder. The cake was Continue reading
Houmous Bagels
Happy Bagel Day via my Houmous Bagels! Delicious eaten on their own or toasted and then spread liberally Continue reading
Biscuit Birds
My Biscuit Birds were created especially for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. They are Continue reading
Crunchie Cake
Today is National Chocolate Cake day and seeing as this year it falls on a Friday, I couldn’t think of any better day to share my Crunchie Cake. Delivering both chocolate cake, chocolate bar and all in all Friday feeling. The recipe is one within the chocolate cake chapter of Quinntessential Baking combining both a classic bake and bar. Its compact size makes it the perfect individual celebration cake – much more impressive than a cupcake and yet small enough to warrant the receiver sharing it with no one! If you do feel like scaling it up, that’s easily done, and you can try topping it with other chocolate bars too.
Arctic Goats Cheese Board
My Arctic Cheese Board is created from an assortment of different types and Continue reading
Bill’s Jam Jar Trifle
National Pudding Day
A head of this weekends Stir Up Sunday, today is the first annual National Pudding Day. I’ve got to celebrate the great day and dessert with Continue reading
Nibble @ Cheesecake
My Nibble @ cheesecake was created especially for McVitie’s to celebrate the launch of their new Digestives Nibbles range Continue reading